The Adventures of Dan Price

Friday, January 21, 2005 at 1:56 AM

The rhyme and reason it came to be

At different times in life something calls you out of the abyss you are in, it's a call to get something back that the abyss of life stole from you. If you want it back, you have to fight for it, and this is a good place to start the journey.

13“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matt 7:13,14.
Simply put, I want to be one of the few that find that narrow path to life. We are so blinded as to what this "life" we are living is really supposed to be like. The Christ that I know says t is supposed to be full of adventure, unpredictability, love, battles to fight, a beauty to rescue, an indescribable glory, and a God who is leading you into it all! I don't know where this protect and save yourself mentality came from, but I have an inkling that it came from and enemy whose worst fear is to see you live a life that you actually enjoy, let alone in a way that is aligned with the true glory that you were created for.

Everything just wrote and a few other points not noted are the reasons I am here in the Salmon Mountains of California. My heart called to be free again, to be restored from everything I have put it through. Simply put, my heart called for the wilderness, the uncertainty. It called for true fellowship, true intimacy in my walk with my creator, and more than anything, it simply wanted to find out who it really was and put an end to the image of it that I had created for the last 22 some years. This place is called for the wilderness because that is where the story began, our story. So when in doubt, pick up as many pieces as you can, and head back to your roots. It isn't the easiest journey in the world, but it will lay the true foundation that will cultivate much growth for the rest of my life. "Christ never said it was going to be easy, He only said it was going to be worth it"
I am here to get my heart back, and you can sure as hell bet that once I get it, I will die before it gets stolen again!
So I gotta know, "Are you in, or are you out?"

Blogger Jordon said...

Dude, I gotta come to California soon!  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mountains seems to provide you with insight into your life. I suggest you consider the insight you would receive by sailing the sea! - WmDP  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a mighty warrior and a blessing to the world! God has amazing plans for a man of your amazing quality and stature... Keep searching, discovering and revealing...

A Friend Forever,



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