The Adventures of Dan Price

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 11:32 PM

She will be mine again, oh yes, she will be mine once again!!

This is the mountain, the mountain that forces itself into every drive north or south, the mountain that calls me by name as I stare at her majesty and vastness. I want to conquer it again, to be at its peak, why does it call so much, why does the unknown wilderness call so much, what can be found out there that is not in front of me, why the mysteriousness, what is out there that I continue to search for, what am I After?? Do you ever feel like that, your in search of something that leaves you just chasing your tail? Does your search ever end up in the same place as it started, maybe even worse, leaving you looking in the mirror because you realize that what your searching for begins right in your own self and in your heart.
I don't want to explore the wilderness just to explore, I am summoned there, summoned to go after something much bigger. The adventure and the journey into the wilderness are just the human application that gives us justification to go forth. A destination that when spoken about, some may be able to relate to. What really happens while you are out there can never be explained. In some senses, it is too deep for your own understanding, to deep for you to realize at the moment it happens, and way too deep to attempt to put into words. Sort of like Frodo and the fellowship when they finally make it back to the Shire, they sit down to have a brew, and nothing around them has changed, the people are more than clueless, but the journey they were just on effected everyone's life in middle earth. They sit in silence with smiles on their face, no words need to be exchanged, no stories to be told, just a silent subtle confidence of the truth about a journey they shared together, one that no one will ever understand.
So where am I going with this...I guess it is a little two fold, 1. There is a lot out there for you to discover and a lot of it is beyond the boundaries of your comfort level, but if you want the revelation, you have to venture forth into your own unknown wilderness before you can ever understand your more of the bigger story. 2. There are parts of your "summons unto the wilderness" that are to be traveled alone, don't make it a habit, "Sometimes you don't have to make it on your own." Seek and keep on seeking!

Blogger Andrew Butters said...

That last pic was great!

Please, take a minute to read
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Blogger Jordon said...

I agree :-) Well said.  


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