The Adventures of Dan Price

Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 1:29 PM

Venture through Yosemite

Mirror Lake, hmm, I wonder why? p.s remember to click on the pictures to make them larger in a new window!

Mountain man Dan!

If you look closely there are two falls.

One of fifty falls running around:)

Bridal Veil Falls

Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 12:00 AM

Shasta Voyage, stardate 02/10/2005

It all just looks so peacefull from here! Harris and Travis in a moment of Silence.
p.s. Remember to click on the pictures to make them bigger.

The ants go marching two by two, Hurrah, hurrah. Marching to the final easy stretch of the ridge ascent.

Just a small glimpse of what the wind was attempting to do to us up there!

The footprints of those that have gone before us lead the way but yet are lost themselves!

As I gaze to the North, my eyes see but a faint spec in the distance, my confidence is yet high, the ascent has just begun, I shall press on and see this thing through!

Harris on a steep traverse. This isn't really a true dipiction of how steep it really is, just trust me on this one!

I really have no clue, at this point, what is pressing us to go on. I think it is probably the thought of how impossible it would be to go back the way we came up!

Totally would have been right there with them had I not been taking the picture! talk about pure exhaustion! One last push to the summit and we are there.

Mom, Dad?? Can you see me waving from over there?

Yes, I have finally made it, we have finally made it. I stand at the top, victorious in our battle. In utter weakness and humbled I stand, having made the route more difficult than we had originally hoped for, we gained a greater respect for the Great Shasta!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 11:41 PM

Stepping in

Early morning fishing on the Sea of Galilee.

“How are we going to find the life that has no lust, no self interest, no sensitiveness to pokes, the love that is not provoked, that thinketh no evil, that is always kind. The only way is by allowing not a bit of the old life to be left but only simple perfect trust in God, such trust that we no longer want God’s blessings, but only want himself.” Taken from My utmost for His highest Oct. 23 Oswald Chambers

Clear my thoughts, clear my head,

Right things wrong, wrong things said

To much to analyze, so many thoughts, to much compromise

Bearing down on the line only to fall into the cracks-

I am climbing higher up that ladder, supposedly leading to life

Only to lead to lies, to end the compromise

I must redirect the thought line, I must revamp the execution

So many overwhelming feelings to bring into line to begin a revolution

It grabs a hold of me like a noose around my neck

Clawing scratching to get if off, there is no removal no ease of tension

The longer it maintains the grip, the less fight I have inside

It will only take one step across the line over the crack to slip to the other side

Stepping up, stepping in, climbing a different rung, praying a different song is sung

Can’t get out, must push in, deeper it takes me, to much deeper parts of me within

How much do I want it, am I willing to do all that it takes for this sacrifice

There is one who has gone before me, who has side stepped the competition, paid the price

So much on this journey, yet none set before me that I can’t handle

Into the darkness I step, faith the only guiding force, but the further I step the brighter the candle

Take control of all this now, blind me so that all I can do is trust

I refuse to give up, to much has been done before me that will ensure success

Grant me my hearts desire, fill in the cracks of the path to life

Cloak me in your armor, prepare me for war, I may die, but at least I will survive

“How are we going to find the life that has no lust, no self interest, no sensitiveness to pokes, the love that is not provoked, that thinketh no evil, that is always kind. The only way is by allowing not a bit of the old life to be left but only simple perfect trust in God, such trust that we no longer want God’s blessings, but only want himself.” Taken from My utmost for His highest Oct. 23 Oswald Chambers

Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 10:39 PM

Ever wonder what the top of the world feels like?

at 10:38 PM

The Mt. Shasta Chronicles

Travis sitting on the ridge line of Greenbutte in contemplative thought over the ascent.

It may appear as though we really made an attempt at the summit, but we didn't:) I know this seems deceptive but we just didn't have time to make a summit attempt. For the past week or so we have been checking avalanche reports and picking anyone's brain we could find to see when our window of opportunity to summit Shasta would be. The window did not look promising to be this weekend because a storm was scheduled to reach us that afternoon or the evening. So instead of a fullblown attempt, we rented snowshoes, (probably one of the best 9 bucks I ever spent) , and went out to nail our route down and test out our compass skills. We took off from the Bunny Flat parking lot at approximately 1:00 and turned back down the mountain at 4:00. We made it deceptively high, a towering 9,500 Ft, but that is where the deceptive part comes in, the parking lot is 6,860 Ft high, so we only had about 3,000 vertical feet covered, the mountain is 14,162, you do the math. We took our time getting there, explored the route as much as possible, found land marks to bounce coordinates off of to make sure we could do all this in the dark. See, when you do a summit attempt like this, you want to start as early as possible to avoid any afternoon climate changes that may bring in a sudden storm. We plan on starting at around midnight or so, that means the first 6 hours will probably be in the dark, but it makes for a gorgeous sunrise:)

All in all, the day exploring the mountain was unbelievable. It was my first time on snowshoes, a long overdue activity if I do say so myself, but much worth the anticipation. Snowshoes are like a lot of things in life, the more you think about it, the more you stumble and fall. Even though they look like they would totally mess up your step, you are supposed to just pretend that you are walking normal as with shoes on, when this is done you practically forget they are on. At first, you concentrate down all the time to make sure you are not stepping all over yourself and at the same time making sure your poles are in sync with the proper leg. So all this time you are looking down, focusing on every step you take not knowing what is going on around you. Then you realize, "what am I doing, I am missing all the beauty", you look up and begin to experience the trip and really launch into the journey and what do you know all of a sudden your steps become even easier. When we constantly look down to make sure we are always stepping right, we are inhibited from experiencing and growing through our experiences. We are stuck just getting through them and all that was gained was a good look at the ground upon which we were treading. That is why today we have so many insecure people out there. When you are a child, your family becomes your foundation and when that foundation is always moving and very unstable, the child is forced to look down in order to avoid falling. So instead of being able to look out and experience all that is out there and grow from it knowing that he has security beneath him, his whole focus becomes "do not fall because their may be no one to pick you up." In summary, unstable foundation=insecurity. So go out and look up for a day, see if your life makes a little better sense afterwards, don't get stuck looking at your feet, you may miss the beauty God has for you!