The Adventures of Dan Price

Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 12:00 AM

Shasta Voyage, stardate 02/10/2005

It all just looks so peacefull from here! Harris and Travis in a moment of Silence.
p.s. Remember to click on the pictures to make them bigger.

The ants go marching two by two, Hurrah, hurrah. Marching to the final easy stretch of the ridge ascent.

Just a small glimpse of what the wind was attempting to do to us up there!

The footprints of those that have gone before us lead the way but yet are lost themselves!

As I gaze to the North, my eyes see but a faint spec in the distance, my confidence is yet high, the ascent has just begun, I shall press on and see this thing through!

Harris on a steep traverse. This isn't really a true dipiction of how steep it really is, just trust me on this one!

I really have no clue, at this point, what is pressing us to go on. I think it is probably the thought of how impossible it would be to go back the way we came up!

Totally would have been right there with them had I not been taking the picture! talk about pure exhaustion! One last push to the summit and we are there.

Mom, Dad?? Can you see me waving from over there?

Yes, I have finally made it, we have finally made it. I stand at the top, victorious in our battle. In utter weakness and humbled I stand, having made the route more difficult than we had originally hoped for, we gained a greater respect for the Great Shasta!

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