The Adventures of Dan Price

Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 10:12 PM

Mt. Etna Snowsessions

Assesing the potential damage of what jumping off that cornice may do! Ok it's assessed and census's a go:)

This is it, the drop, the proof that I may still have my edge and i'm not getting soft:) just for the record, it is a lot bigger in real life, especially when you can't see the landing until your in the air and your headed for trees! Don't worry mom, i love you:)

Me Strongbad (if you don't get it,, and you will-just don't get addicted) This is at about 5:30, it is snowing and getting dark, there is a 30 minute hike ahead, we must press on:)

I really wish you could see this beauty in person, this picture gives no true justice. This is from Etna summit.

Lets not lie, I mean I may have a little knack for this picture thing after all:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 11:32 PM

She will be mine again, oh yes, she will be mine once again!!

This is the mountain, the mountain that forces itself into every drive north or south, the mountain that calls me by name as I stare at her majesty and vastness. I want to conquer it again, to be at its peak, why does it call so much, why does the unknown wilderness call so much, what can be found out there that is not in front of me, why the mysteriousness, what is out there that I continue to search for, what am I After?? Do you ever feel like that, your in search of something that leaves you just chasing your tail? Does your search ever end up in the same place as it started, maybe even worse, leaving you looking in the mirror because you realize that what your searching for begins right in your own self and in your heart.
I don't want to explore the wilderness just to explore, I am summoned there, summoned to go after something much bigger. The adventure and the journey into the wilderness are just the human application that gives us justification to go forth. A destination that when spoken about, some may be able to relate to. What really happens while you are out there can never be explained. In some senses, it is too deep for your own understanding, to deep for you to realize at the moment it happens, and way too deep to attempt to put into words. Sort of like Frodo and the fellowship when they finally make it back to the Shire, they sit down to have a brew, and nothing around them has changed, the people are more than clueless, but the journey they were just on effected everyone's life in middle earth. They sit in silence with smiles on their face, no words need to be exchanged, no stories to be told, just a silent subtle confidence of the truth about a journey they shared together, one that no one will ever understand.
So where am I going with this...I guess it is a little two fold, 1. There is a lot out there for you to discover and a lot of it is beyond the boundaries of your comfort level, but if you want the revelation, you have to venture forth into your own unknown wilderness before you can ever understand your more of the bigger story. 2. There are parts of your "summons unto the wilderness" that are to be traveled alone, don't make it a habit, "Sometimes you don't have to make it on your own." Seek and keep on seeking!

Monday, January 24, 2005 at 11:23 PM

Just another day in the neighborhood

We had an eventful weekend which didn't really start until noon

Doesn't everyone get to look at this kind of stuff on an average day? I guess being out here makes me think this is normal, sorry if you don't get to see this everyday:)

Sunset from the top of Shasta Ski Park as we break into the night ski mode

Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 11:41 AM

Where the ticks stop tocking

"The beauty we see is nothing compared to the beauty He has given us"-Dan

Picture this, a package arrives in the mail addressed to a certain Travis Colbert. Inside this package is the long awaited snow shoes that were ordered only two days prior. (He has been extremely passionate about these since he came back from Seattle last week.) There is still approximatly 1.5 feet of snow left in some areas so that leaves plenty of cover to go explore. The time is around 4:30 and the sun is already setting behind the mountains giving way to a almost full moon that is promising a bright night. We grab a couple sleds, Harris and I grab our snowboards, Travis his new toys, and it is off for a moonlight ride/excursion. Now, one thing to note is that when there is snow cover and a full moon, it is quite bright out, respectively, leaving enough light to tromp around and have some fun. So, we proceeded to journey to the top of a nearby mountain, with a few stops a long the way to try out the sleds, and from there proceeded to navigate our way down through the brush and trees and find a somewhat open shoot to venture forth to the bottom of the hill. And the result....IT WAS AWESOME!! We found the perfect shoot, that we each did a couple times, and then tried to go all the way down. There were a couple bare spots that we hit, but they blended in perfectly with the shadows of the trees and were tough to see or navigate around, but other than that it made for a very fun filled, safe adventure. Which brings me to my question, what did you do on your friday night?:)

Honestly, I can only think how much of a blessing it is to be out here, learning what I am learning and doing what I am doing. In some ways it is a journey back to the simple life. We stay on the ranch most of the time. It is one of those places that you can live at, work at, and play at, all at the same time. So the need to leave is really not that great. Sure, we go off to town for errands and supplies, but when you in heaven, why leave? We heat our house with a wood stove that needs to be stoked a few times a day. The wood comes from logs that either we cut earlier before the snow came or wood that was cut this summer. Somedays I spend working on cars to learn a new trade while helping the run-down cars of the ranch make it a few more miles, other days I spend brainstorming about the ranch or how to solve the problems of the world. All in all, every day is full, but it is not a stressfull full, it is a fullfilling full that leaves you with a sense of accomplishment and purpose at the end of the day. The clocks usually stops ticking, the day is usually just managed by the height of the sun. The evenings are spent in fellowship, worship, and studying, not to mention the amazing meals prepared by Chef Hacket. But all in all, this time should provide me with a foundation to really go out and impact the world for Christ and His Kingdom.

About foundations: I had built my own foundation for too long and it was doing pretty well, I may have even had some walls up, but there was one problem, there were a lot of cracks in it and in some places I used the wrong building materials, actually in a lot of places I used the wrong building material. So after a couple walls had collapsed and it was finally very clear to me that the building was compromised, it was time to tear it all down and let someone who knew what they were doing take over. It has been an amazing ride ever since. I don't want God to just build a building any more, He has shown me how if I let Him be my true cornerstone, He will build a city upon the foundation he lays in me; and I don't know about you, but that really excites me:)

Friday, January 21, 2005 at 1:56 AM

The rhyme and reason it came to be

At different times in life something calls you out of the abyss you are in, it's a call to get something back that the abyss of life stole from you. If you want it back, you have to fight for it, and this is a good place to start the journey.

13“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matt 7:13,14.
Simply put, I want to be one of the few that find that narrow path to life. We are so blinded as to what this "life" we are living is really supposed to be like. The Christ that I know says t is supposed to be full of adventure, unpredictability, love, battles to fight, a beauty to rescue, an indescribable glory, and a God who is leading you into it all! I don't know where this protect and save yourself mentality came from, but I have an inkling that it came from and enemy whose worst fear is to see you live a life that you actually enjoy, let alone in a way that is aligned with the true glory that you were created for.

Everything just wrote and a few other points not noted are the reasons I am here in the Salmon Mountains of California. My heart called to be free again, to be restored from everything I have put it through. Simply put, my heart called for the wilderness, the uncertainty. It called for true fellowship, true intimacy in my walk with my creator, and more than anything, it simply wanted to find out who it really was and put an end to the image of it that I had created for the last 22 some years. This place is called for the wilderness because that is where the story began, our story. So when in doubt, pick up as many pieces as you can, and head back to your roots. It isn't the easiest journey in the world, but it will lay the true foundation that will cultivate much growth for the rest of my life. "Christ never said it was going to be easy, He only said it was going to be worth it"
I am here to get my heart back, and you can sure as hell bet that once I get it, I will die before it gets stolen again!
So I gotta know, "Are you in, or are you out?"